Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the upside to being in a guild, namely yours?

If you're in a guild, you have people to talk to and quest with. If you need help or advice, they may be a great source of information and be able to teach you things you didn't already know. Each player also has his or her own amount and kind of experience that could be beneficial to tap. Not to mention that they could be great aid during a PvP battle, eh? Guilds are a fun way to make friends and comrades in arms!

A guild may also have a guild tab from which you can remove items. Of course, it's also appreciated when you donate items to help keep the guild stocked up. And who doesn't think those guild tabards are cool? Come on!

Why mine? We've got a cool tabard, hardworking and genuine members, and a lot of pizzazz!

2. Why name your guild The Kings of Kings? Is it only for male players?

To be honest with you, I didn't name the guild despite being its Master. I signed its charter sometime at the beginning of September or the end of August and then forgot about it when I switched characters. When I decided to make Olyvia my main, I found that I'd been left the Master of a guild that was largely dead. So I decided to add my boyfriend (Hamdemon) and brother (Grayprince) and get it going again.

Seeing as how I'm female...the answer to the second question should be obvious -- No, the guild is not only for males. Women are very much welcome!

3. Do you have a guild tab?

Yes, we do. We have two thanks to Pallidus and his guildies. Thanks guys, the donations were very much appreciated!

4. What about a tabard?

Yep, we've got one of them, too. If you need one, just give me a Whisper!

5. Do you raid?

Well...we try to. Again, being a small guild can make some things a bit difficult but it's definitely something we would like to do. Once we get more members, we imagine it will be easier for people who are in the same level range to work together. We're already getting closer to achieving that goal! 

6. Do you help level members?

We try to do the best that we can. Since we're still rather small, it can be difficult to keep up with everyone while still managing to quest ourselves. And, I don't know about the other members, but I know that Hamdemon and I in particular are very busy and are just plain tired sometimes. We apologize for this, you can blame school and, in some instances, family... >.>

7. I'm a member, why is my name not listed on the Members Page?!?!

I'm only one person and try to keep up with as much as I can. If you're a member, your name will most certainly be added but it might not be right away. Just stay active and trust me, you'll be on!

Last updated: 9/27/09